Marine lubricants
Marine lubricants
Distribution and supply of Cepsa and ExxonMobil marine lubricants in the port of Ceuta and in all the ports of Morocco. Supply logistics of marine lubricants of all brands in several Spanish ports.
Contract this serviceImmediate supply of CEPSA marine lubricants.
Direct sales in all Ports of Morocco and in the Port of Ceuta (Spain - North Africa):
- Direct sale of CEPSA and Exxon Mobil Marine lubricants in the port of Ceuta (Spain - North Africa) and in all ports of Morocco.
- Readily available stock for immediate supply, delivered by barge or dockside.
- Warehouse located in the Port of Ceuta (Spain - North Africa) and Port of Tanger Med (Morocco).
Bulk supply service:
- Bulk supply through pumping services of any brand of lubricants by barge in Algeciras, Ceuta and Castellón.
- Bulk supply through pumping service of Marine lubricants from the dock in all the Ports of Morocco and in the Port of Ceuta (Spain - North Africa).
More information about sales and supply
CEPSA is Spain's leading supplier of marine lubricants.
We provide a complete range of high-quality, biodegradable, environmentally friendly marine lubricants that ensure maximum efficiency and care for motors, hydraulic systems, gears, compressors, turbines, stern tubes, etc.
Motor lubrication that you can trust:
- Slow motors
- Medium speed motors
- High speed motors
and auxiliary machinery:
- Hydraulics
- Gears
- Compressors
- Turbines and circulating pumps
- Stern tubes